Source code for slack.methods

from enum import Enum

ROOT_URL: str = ""
HOOK_URL: str = ""

[docs]class Methods(Enum): """ Enumeration of available slack methods. Provides `iterkey` and `itermod` for :func:`SlackAPI.iter() <>`. """ # method = (ROOT_URL + method_url, iterkey, itermode, as_json) # api API_TEST = (ROOT_URL + "api.test", None, None, True) # apps.permissions APPS_PERMISSIONS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) APPS_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST = ( ROOT_URL + "apps.permissions.request", None, None, False, ) # auth AUTH_REVOKE = (ROOT_URL + "auth.revoke", None, None, False) AUTH_TEST = (ROOT_URL + "auth.test", None, None, True) # bots BOTS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) # channels CHANNELS_ARCHIVE = (ROOT_URL + "channels.archive", None, None, True) CHANNELS_CREATE = (ROOT_URL + "channels.create", None, None, True) CHANNELS_HISTORY = (ROOT_URL + "channels.history", "timeline", "messages", False) CHANNELS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) CHANNELS_INVITE = (ROOT_URL + "channels.invite", None, None, True) CHANNELS_JOIN = (ROOT_URL + "channels.join", None, None, True) CHANNELS_KICK = (ROOT_URL + "channels.kick", None, None, True) CHANNELS_LEAVE = (ROOT_URL + "channels.leave", None, None, True) CHANNELS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "channels.list", "cursor", "channels", False) CHANNELS_MARK = (ROOT_URL + "channels.mark", None, None, True) CHANNELS_RENAME = (ROOT_URL + "channels.rename", None, None, True) CHANNELS_REPLIES = (ROOT_URL + "channels.replies", None, None, False) CHANNELS_SET_PURPOSE = (ROOT_URL + "channels.setPurpose", None, None, True) CHANNELS_SET_TOPIC = (ROOT_URL + "channels.setTopic", None, None, True) CHANNELS_UNARCHIVE = (ROOT_URL + "channels.unarchive", None, None, True) # chat CHAT_DELETE = (ROOT_URL + "chat.delete", None, None, True) CHAT_GET_PERMALINK = (ROOT_URL + "chat.getPermalink", None, None, False) CHAT_ME_MESSAGE = (ROOT_URL + "chat.meMessage", None, None, True) CHAT_POST_EPHEMERAL = (ROOT_URL + "chat.postEphemeral", None, None, True) CHAT_POST_MESSAGE = (ROOT_URL + "chat.postMessage", None, None, True) CHAT_UNFURL = (ROOT_URL + "chat.unfurl", None, None, True) CHAT_UPDATE = (ROOT_URL + "chat.update", None, None, True) # conversations CONVERSATIONS_ARCHIVE = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.archive", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_CLOSE = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.close", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_CREATE = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.create", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_HISTORY = ( ROOT_URL + "conversations.history", "cursor", "messages", False, ) CONVERSATIONS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) CONVERSATIONS_INVITE = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.invite", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_JOIN = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.join", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_KICK = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.kick", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_LEAVE = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.leave", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.list", "cursor", "channels", False) CONVERSATIONS_MEMBERS = ( ROOT_URL + "conversations.members", "cursor", "members", False, ) CONVERSATIONS_OPEN = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_RENAME = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.rename", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_REPLIES = ( ROOT_URL + "conversations.replies", "cursor", "messages", False, ) CONVERSATIONS_SET_PURPOSE = ( ROOT_URL + "conversations.setPurpose", None, None, True, ) CONVERSATIONS_SET_TOPIC = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.setTopic", None, None, True) CONVERSATIONS_UNARCHIVE = (ROOT_URL + "conversations.unarchive", None, None, True) # dialog DIALOG_OPEN = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, True) # dnd DND_END_DND = (ROOT_URL + "dnd.endDnd", None, None, True) DND_END_SNOOZE = (ROOT_URL + "dnd.endSnooze", None, None, True) DND_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) DND_SET_SNOOZE = (ROOT_URL + "dnd.setSnooze", None, None, False) DND_TEAM_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "dnd.teamInfo", None, None, False) # emoji EMOJI_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "emoji.list", None, None, False) # files.comments FILES_COMMENTS_ADD = (ROOT_URL + "files.comments.add", None, None, True) FILES_COMMENTS_DELETE = (ROOT_URL + "files.comments.delete", None, None, True) FILES_COMMENTS_EDIT = (ROOT_URL + "files.comments.edit", None, None, True) # files FILES_DELETE = (ROOT_URL + "files.delete", None, None, True) FILES_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) FILES_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "files.list", "page", "files", False) FILES_REVOKE_PUBLIC_URL = (ROOT_URL + "files.revokePublicURL", None, None, True) FILES_SHARED_PUBLIC_URL = (ROOT_URL + "files.sharedPublicURL", None, None, True) FILES_UPLOAD = (ROOT_URL + "files.upload", None, None, False) # groups GROUPS_ARCHIVE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.archive", None, None, True) GROUPS_CLOSE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.close", None, None, False) GROUPS_CREATE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.create", None, None, True) GROUPS_CREATE_CHILD = (ROOT_URL + "groups.createChild", None, None, False) GROUPS_HISTORY = (ROOT_URL + "groups.history", "timeline", "messages", False) GROUPS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) GROUPS_INVITE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.invite", None, None, True) GROUPS_KICK = (ROOT_URL + "groups.kick", None, None, True) GROUPS_LEAVE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.leave", None, None, True) GROUPS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "groups.list", None, None, False) GROUPS_MARK = (ROOT_URL + "groups.mark", None, None, True) GROUPS_OPEN = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, True) GROUPS_RENAME = (ROOT_URL + "groups.rename", None, None, True) GROUPS_REPLIES = (ROOT_URL + "groups.replies", None, None, False) GROUPS_SET_PURPOSE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.setPurpose", None, None, True) GROUPS_SET_TOPIC = (ROOT_URL + "groups.setTopic", None, None, True) GROUPS_UNARCHIVE = (ROOT_URL + "groups.unarchive", None, None, True) # im IM_CLOSE = (ROOT_URL + "im.close", None, None, True) IM_HISTORY = (ROOT_URL + "im.history", "timeline", "messages", False) IM_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "im.list", None, None, False) IM_MARK = (ROOT_URL + "im.mark", None, None, True) IM_OPEN = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, True) IM_REPLIES = (ROOT_URL + "im.replies", None, None, False) # mpim MPIM_CLOSE = (ROOT_URL + "mpim.close", None, None, True) MPIM_HISTORY = (ROOT_URL + "mpim.history", "timeline", "messages", False) MPIM_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "mpim.list", None, None, False) MPIM_MARK = (ROOT_URL + "mpim.mark", None, None, True) MPIM_OPEN = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, True) MPIM_REPLIES = (ROOT_URL + "mpim.replies", None, None, False) # oauth OAUTH_ACCESS = (ROOT_URL + "oauth.access", None, None, False) OAUTH_TOKEN = (ROOT_URL + "oauth.token", None, None, False) # pins PINS_ADD = (ROOT_URL + "pins.add", None, None, True) PINS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "pins.list", None, None, False) PINS_REMOVE = (ROOT_URL + "pins.remove", None, None, True) # reactions REACTIONS_ADD = (ROOT_URL + "reactions.add", None, None, True) REACTIONS_GET = (ROOT_URL + "reactions.get", None, None, False) REACTIONS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "reactions.list", "page", "items", False) REACTIONS_REMOVE = (ROOT_URL + "reactions.remove", None, None, True) # reminders REMINDERS_ADD = (ROOT_URL + "reminders.add", None, None, True) REMINDERS_COMPLETE = (ROOT_URL + "reminders.complete", None, None, True) REMINDERS_DELETE = (ROOT_URL + "reminders.delete", None, None, True) REMINDERS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) REMINDERS_LIsT = (ROOT_URL + "reminders.list", None, None, False) # rtm RTM_CONNECT = (ROOT_URL + "rtm.connect", None, None, False) RTM_START = (ROOT_URL + "rtm.start", None, None, False) # search SEARCH_ALL = (ROOT_URL + "search.all", "page", "messages", False) SEARCH_FILES = (ROOT_URL + "search.files", "page", "files", False) SEARCH_MESSAGES = (ROOT_URL + "search.messages", "page", "messages", False) # starts STARS_ADD = (ROOT_URL + "stars.add", None, None, True) STARS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "stars.list", "page", "items", False) STARS_REMOVE = (ROOT_URL + "stars.remove", None, None, True) # team TEAM_ACCESS_LOGS = (ROOT_URL + "teams.accessLogs", None, None, False) TEAM_BILLABLE_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "teams.billableInfo", None, None, False) TEAM_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) TEAM_INTEGRATION_LOGS = (ROOT_URL + "teams.integrationLogs", None, None, False) # team profile TEAM_PROFILE_GET = (ROOT_URL + "teams.profile.get", None, None, False) # usergroups USERGROUPS_CREATE = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.create", None, None, True) USERGROUPS_DISABLE = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.disable", None, None, True) USERGROUPS_ENABLE = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.enable", None, None, True) USERGROUPS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.list", None, None, False) USERGROUPS_UPDATE = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.update", None, None, True) # usergroups users USERGROUPS_USERS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.users.list", None, None, False) USERGROUPS_USERS_UPDATE = (ROOT_URL + "usergroups.users.update", None, None, True) # users USERS_DELETE_PHOTO = (ROOT_URL + "users.deletePhoto", None, None, False) USERS_GET_PRESENCE = (ROOT_URL + "users.getPresence", None, None, False) USERS_IDENTITY = (ROOT_URL + "users.identity", None, None, False) USERS_INFO = (ROOT_URL + "", None, None, False) USERS_LIST = (ROOT_URL + "users.list", "cursor", "members", False) USERS_SET_ACTIVE = (ROOT_URL + "users.setActive", None, None, True) USERS_SET_PHOTO = (ROOT_URL + "users.setPhoto", None, None, False) USERS_SET_PRESENCE = (ROOT_URL + "users.setPresence", None, None, True) # users profile USERS_PROFILE_GET = (ROOT_URL + "users.profile.get", None, None, False) USERS_PROFILE_SET = (ROOT_URL + "users.profile.set", None, None, True)